Monday, 11 February 2013

Take The 1-Day Vegan Challenge!

Did you know it takes five times the resources to produce a single pound of beef versus a single pound of grains, vegetables, beans, or nuts? That's right, it takes five times more water, food, and antibiotics to produce one pound of animal meat, milk, or eggs.
This has a huge effect on the climate, as well as on poorer nations who could make better use of those resources to feed themselves and become self-sustaining.  Beyond that, the amount of suffering in the factory farming industry, as it now operates, is beyond description. You can look at the PETA website for more information on that, as well as find several resources on YouTube, such as the film "Earthlings".

I know it is not always practical to choose a vegan lifestyle, or even a vegetarian one. But every day that you choose not to consume animal products lessens your carbon footprint, your impact on the environment, and sends a message to meat, dairy, and egg producers that you want quality products for your family that are nutritionally dense, free of chemicals and antibiotics, and butchered in the most humane and sustainable way possible.

Think about it, can you go for one day without having any dairy products, eggs, or meat and fish? I know that you can, and you may find that you really enjoy it too. People always ask vegans, "What do you eat?" The answer is: EVERYTHING ELSE.

Challenge yourself, your family, your co-workers, your friends, to give up animal products in your diet for just one day, and you will learn that it is not about deprevation, it is about choice. If everyone tried it for just a day, not only would we see a huge environmental imapct, but also a new respect for those who choose to live vegan in a meat-eating world.

Start your day with Cereal and Almond Milk, Put Soy Milkin your Coffee instead, Have a Tofurky* Sandwich For Lunch, Have a Vegetable Curry and Brown Rice For Dinner. There are even vegan Cupcakes and Cookies for your snacks. It isn't that hard to do, and you may like the way it makes you feel. Ultimately, reducing the amount of meat, eggs, and dairy that you eat in the average week, even by just a few servings, can make a huge difference for you and for the world we will leave to our children. So give the 1-Day Vegan challenge a try, and see what you think. One day can change the way you see food forever!

Take The Pledge Here!

I ___________________________, hereby pledge to take the 1-Day Vegan Challenge in the hopes of seeking a better understanding of what it means to live a vegan lifestyle, choosing not to consume any animal products or by-products for a 24 hour period.

Being a vegan is one of the most healthy choices an individual can make, not only for themselves, but also for the environment, and all of earth's creatures - great and small.  Every time you choose not to eat an animal product, you are choosing to live a kind and compassionate life, giving a gift to yourself, and to everyone and everything around you.

By choosing to skip meat, fish, eggs, and dairy, even just for one day a week, you not only reduce your carbon footprint, but you send a message with your hard earned dollars that you want healthier options for yourself and your family.

If you do eat meat, eggs, and dairy - and many people do, for many reasons - try to choose organic products, farmed locally from small vendors, such as the local farmers market.  Organic products may cost a little more, but you can be sure that the products you are purchasing are healthier, grown in more sustainable and responsible ways, and largely free of the pesticides and antibiotics pumped into large scale factory farmed products.

Challenge yourself to "go vegan" for just one day, and feel the difference in your body from eating nutritionally dense foods like soy, beans, vegetables, nuts, and other non-animal food sources. Feel the joy that comes from eating a 'kind' diet

*Please Consult a Physician Before Starting Any New Dietary Plan, Especially If You Are Pregnant, Nursing, Diabetic, or Suffering From A Chronic Illness.

**Recipes and Resources Are Available Across The Internet For Free! Take your time to plan your 1-Day Vegan Challenge so that you have everything you need to make it easy and enjoyable

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